Friday, October 16, 2009

Chili for a Chilly Nite..

Thanks to the cold front we have passing through this weekend, we are actually going to be having a few days of cooler weather. So to take advantage of this special treat, we're having Chili and Rice for Sunday:
So far we have the following on the menu:
>hotdogs, buns and cheese... chili dogs!!
>corn bread

Keep them coming...

Friday, October 9, 2009

BBQ Nite

This Sunday "Columbus Day Eve" we will be having Nancy's pulled pork BBQ sandwiches. We will need people to bring buns, chips, salads, desserts drinks etc. If you want to, we can always use additional forks, spoons, knives, plates, plastic dixie cups, coffee cups napkins etc. We will never turn away supplies!! We are looking forward to another great Sunday! Hopefully, the weather will cooperate and cool off. I mean, this is October, right?

Anyway, we look forward to seeing you!

Monday, October 5, 2009

Games and grilling...

What a fun time we all had last night. The food was great! The conversation was awesome!!! and.... the games were a blast. Rob led the Werewolf game that went on for most of the night and Matt, Sherri and I played scrabble until "way too late"....

We also celebrated Greg and Kenny's birthdays with carrot cake and a wonderful rendition of Happy Birthday in about 25 different keys and tempos at once (which Patty hates!!).
Beautiful yet awful all at the same time...

Where were you?

Friday, October 2, 2009

on the grill...

This week we are having a Sunday Nite favorite.. Freshly grilled chicken breast over a bed of angel hair pasta topped with homemade alfredo sauce. So far I have had a lot of RSVPs so it looks like we are going to have pretty good sized group which is always fun!

Hope to see you there....

Friday, September 25, 2009


We are looking for some suggestions for Sunday night dinners to add some variety and need your help. Think of something new or some themes that we can do.

Stuff we do now:
Spaghetti and Meat sauce
Taco Nite
Roast Beef
Chicken and Alfredo
Breakfast Nite
Grilling- hotdogs- hamburgers etc.
NEW: Salad Nite
Appetizer and Sandwich nite...

I might have left something out, but this is a good idea of what we do....
Help us out! Comment on this post so everybody can read it and suggest new stuff too...
Love you guys! See you Sunday!

Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Salad Nite Success!!

Well, Salad Nite proved to be a great we will add that to the list of stuff we see on the menu for Sundays.

There was a small crowd, but we still had a salad extravaganza..!!

It was a bit rainy so there was no going outside for us. We mostly all stayed in either playing games, watched tv and I heard some deep discussion going on in the other room.....

Hope you can make it next week!!

Friday, September 18, 2009

Salad Nite

Well, this is a first go at a salad night at our house. We are really excited about it. Nancy has a brand new recipe for the 1905 Salad like the one they have at Columbia in Ybor. She did a test run at her job's food day and it was a hit, so I can't wait to taste it. I'm going to be making a version of Joan's Broccoli Madness from Sweet Tomato's so I know that will make Patty happy- that is her favorite.

Looking forward to see every one's thoughts and creations!
Can't wait to see you Sunday.. : )